【與兵衛の鮓酢:よへえのすしず】プロの味を家庭で。ミシュラン一つ星「一乗寺 乃り英」提供の具材と作る、とっておきの「雛祭り用ちらし寿司セット」
「一乗寺 乃り英」のシェフが仕込んだ「煮穴子」や「車海老」。さらに、いか、かまぼこ、高野豆腐、絹さや、油揚げといった厳選された食材が味付けされた具材として、すでに刻んだ状態で真空パックされております。そしてちらし寿司を彩る錦糸卵も、すでに細切りされたまま包装されているため、すぐに調理が可能です。具材の組み合わせ3種類をご用意いたしました。三月の「桃の節句・雛祭り」に合わせての限定販売となります。
(全て加工済み) **車海老は含まれませ**
・未発売の「與兵衛の鮓酢」288ml 1本
▼2月23日(祝・ 水)20時〜
Yohei's Sushizu, the Yohei's Sushi Vinegar.
Enjoy professional taste of Sushi at home! A special "Chirashi Sushi Set for Hinamatsuri" made with ingredients provided by the Michelin-starred "Ichijoji Norihide".
We take your order until February 25 (Fri), 2022.
You can choose dates of delivery from February 26th (Sat) thru March 6th (Sun).
You can only chose later than 3 days after your order date.
The chef of "Ichijoji Norihide" prepares all the ingredients ready to mix to make Chirashi Sushi including conger eel and boiled tiger prawn. In addition, carefully selected ingredients such as squid, kamaboko (fish cake), Koya Tofu (dried tofu), green beans, and deep-fried tofu are seasoned and vacuum-packed in a chopped state. The Kinshi egg, the fine sliced eggs, which adds color to the Chirashi Sushi, is also already chopped into small pieces and packaged ready to mix.
This is a limited sale to celebrate the "The Girls Day Festival, Hinamatsuri" on March 3rd in Japan.
This year, I hope you will make Hina Chirashi Sushi at home and select this set as one of the
dishes to enjoy the Japanese food culture of Sekku.
Please eat Chirashi Sushi within 2 days of arrival.
The set for 4 people includes
Conger eel, Squid, Kamaboko (Fish Cake), Koya-Tofu (Dried Tofu),green beans,Deep fried tofu, Nishiki-egg, Shitake Mushroom (All processed) **Tiger Prawn is not included**
144ml and 288ml bottle of Yohei's Sushizu (Sushi Vinegar)
3 cups of SENJIRO HASAGAKE Rice https://www.senjiro.com/
Yohei's Sushizu Recipe collection (in Japanese)
【Delivery Date】
Please select the date of arrival. All the ingredients must be refrigerated after arriving.
For another date of arrival you prefer, please contact us BEFORE you order by email at