






YOHEI-NO-SUSHIZU, the Yohei’s Sushi Vinegar is an exceptional masterpiece that SUSHI master Yohei Tsuji had succeeded to develop his ultimate recipe for about 50 years long in Kyoto. No other product can succeed to bring out this rich aroma and mellow taste like this YOHEI-NO-SUSHIZU has.

This sweet and sour condiment is practical to use from making Sushi rice to adding a Chinese hot and sour soup. One table of spoon can decide the right taste of your meal.

O mestre sushi Yohei de Quioto, Japão criou este sabor em seus longos 50 anos de experiência.
Esse vinagre para sushi tem um sabor rico, contém açúcar feito a partir da cana de açúcar japonesa e vinho de arroz adocicado

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*Earliest delivery date is 2/14(Fri) (may require more days depending on delivery address).

*Tax included.

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  • TA-Q-BIN compact

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    Shipping fees vary by region.

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    • Tohoku












    • Kanto
      Ibaraki, Tochigi, Gumma, Saitama,
      Chiba, Tokyo, Kanagawa, Yamanashi


    • Shinetsu
      Niigata, Nagano


    • Hokuriku
      Toyama, Ishikawa, Fukui


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      Gifu, Shizuoka, Aichi, Mie


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      Shiga, Kyoto, Osaka, Hyogo,
      Nara, Wakayama


    • Chugoku
      Tottori, Shimane, Okayama, Hiroshima, Yamaguchi


    • Shikoku
      Tokushima, Kagawa, Ehime, Kochi


    • Kyushu
      Fukuoka, Saga, Nagasaki, Kumamoto,
      Oita, Miyazaki, Kagoshima


    • Okinawa


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  • EMS

    This shipping supports package tracking and compensation for damages.

    Shipping fees vary by region.

    • Asia
      Uniform rate for area


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      Uniform rate for area


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      Uniform rate for area


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      Uniform rate for area


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